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Fast Release. Confidential Service. Affordable Bail Bonds.

Arrested in Rusk County, TX? Need to post bail? BigGreen Bail Bonds has partnered with Brett at Ballard Bail Bonds to provide bail bond service to clients in Henderson, TX and the surrounding areas. We understand the urgency of an arrest. That’s why we are committed to providing you with 100% confidentiality and bail you out immediately.

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Your Privacy Protected

When you’re facing criminal charges, few things are as valuable as your privacy. “Innocent until proven guilty” is not a sentiment that all friends, family members, or employers possess. However, we believe getting arrested is your personal business, and no one else’s.

We will do everything possible to keep it that way. We provide total discretion so that your job, reputation, and relationships are protected from judgment and discrimination. We work quickly because fast release is essential for confidentiality.

Your Wallet Respected

Before their court date, most defendants can get out of jail as long as they pay bail. However, often the cost of bail is far too high for many of our clients to afford. Ballard Bail Bonds in Henderson will cover your bail amount for a fraction of the cost of bail—usually around 10%.

Still, some of our clients need help paying for a bail bond even with the discount. So we offer affordable financing options and also accept collateral because we are committed to making bail as affordable and accessible as possible.

24/7 Bail Bond Service

Many arrests take place during the evenings and weekends, such as DWI arrests, most of which occur between the hours of 10 P.M. and 3 A.M. That’s why the Henderson, TX bail bond agents at Ballard Bail Bonds are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to help you get out of jail quickly. We are available anytime you need us, day or night.

Call Today For Bail Bond Service In Henderson, TX

If you or a family member has been arrested in Rusk County, contact Ballard Bail Bonds for immediate service and fast release. We usually get clients out of jail and safely home in just a few hours.

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How Do Bail Bonds Work?

When a person is arrested in Henderson County, they’ll be taken to the county jail and booked in. In some cases, they must wait there to go before a judge to be given a bond amount. In others, there are established bond amounts.

A bond is an often large sum of money that the incarcerated person can pay to get out of jail instead of waiting in county jail for trial. When the person’s trial is over, that money is returned to them.

It’s a way to ensure that a person comes to all of their court dates.

Unfortunately, most people can’t afford to pay the entire bond amount upfront. In exchange for a percentage of the bond amount paid upfront, a bail bond service pay the whole bond amount.

This will allow you to get out of jail for a fraction of the price.

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Affordable Bail Bond Services In Henderson, TX

We’re a locally-owned bail bonds company in Henderson, TX that understands most of our clients are regular people going through an awful experience.

Each bail bondsman at Ballard works with clients to ensure that they are able to get out of jail quickly–all while ensuring that their privacy is protected.

We strive to offer the most affordable bail bonds in Henderson, TX while simplifying the bail bond process and allowing our clients to get home–quickly.

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Life After Bail

After you’re released from Henderson County Jail, you’ll be required to show up to court appearances. If you fail to do so, a warrant will be issued for your arrest and your bail bond company will be looking for you.

You’ll be charged with another crime, and this time getting bailed out of jail might not be possible. To avoid that, you must:

Attend All Court Dates

To remain in good standing with the court and your bail agent, you must attend all court dates. You may have more than one and you’ll be required to show up to each of them. If you are required to go to community supervision, you’ll need to show up to those as well.

Regular Check-In With Your Bail Company

You’ll need to check-in will Ballard Bail Bonds regularly. Your bail agent will go over how frequently you’ll need to check in. You can do so using our convenient online portal from your smartphone, tablet, or computer.

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Affordable Bail Service In Henderson, TX–Bring Your Loved One Home

If your loved one has been arrested, don’t wait. Contact us today and let us help you get them home.

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