Call Us 24/7!

Call Us 24/7!

BigGreen Bail Bonds is committed to providing our clients with the highest quality bail service in East Texas. If you or a loved one is in jail in Van Zandt County, Smith County, or Kaufman County, we are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help you get out quickly. Our clients choose to work with us because they feel respected and fairly treated. Here are of few of the ways BigGreen Bail Bonds serves our clients:

Inexpensive Bail Bonds

No financial circumstance should keep anyone from being reunited with their loved ones. If you are a family member of someone who has been arrested, we want you to know we are on your side.

We work hard to make BigGreen Bail Bonds as affordable as possible. Our bail bonds cost a fraction of the total bail amount—usually about 10%. However, depending on the criminal charges and the judge’s decision, bail could cost upwards of $100,000 or more. At that amount, even 10% is still insurmountable for many people.

That’s why BigGreen offers low credit financing options and also accepts collateral. Our goal is to do everything we can to work with you and get your loved one out of jail, at home, and back to work no matter your financial situation.


Inexpensive Bail Bonds

One of the essential services any bail bonds company provides to its clients is privacy. Anything less than complete confidentiality in these matters could jeopardize your job, relationships, and other life circumstances. That’s why at BigGreen, we take your privacy seriously. Rest assured, all necessary measures will be taken to protect your privacy.

Fast Release

A significant part of confidentiality is quick release. The longer you stay in jail, the more friends, family, and coworkers will begin asking questions. That’s why we prioritize urgency in our bail bonds service. As soon as we receive payment, we will get to work on your release. Many of our clients get out of jail within a couple of hours.

24/7 Service

Arrests happen at all hours of the day and night. A reliable bail bonds company is one that is committed to being available anytime. BigGreen is ready to provide you with professional bail bond service 24/7. Whenever you need us, we are here for you. If you have any questions about our service or want to contact one of our bail bonds agents, give us a call.

Contact BigGreen